Green Camps empowers camps across America to reduce their environmental impact and inspire the next generation of eco-leaders.
Your contribution to Green Camps goes straight to work helping us raise environmental awareness, train educators, develop tools and resources to support camps, and launch eco-educational programs that inspire youth and adult campers to live sustainably.
Donations are tax-deductible.
To Donate By Check:
Green Camps INC
111 Laura Knoll Lane
Statesville, NC 28625
What if every camp in America united behind a new model for sustainability to lead a national movement for pro-environmental change?
Going Green’ is a vague and intimidating term. We all know we need to do more to live sustainably, but how? Green Camps is proving that regular folks can easily reduce their environmental impact, regenerate natural systems, and powerfully advocate for the natural world we all love.
Sustainable living must become part of everyday life. Not an alternative lifestyle, but something we all do daily without thinking about it. Camps are a great place to instill a sense of responsibility for the planet and inspire campers of all ages to turn that feeling into everyday action. By placing the overall well-being of America’s youth front and center, we nurture love and understanding of the natural environment and empower campers to take action to benefit people and the planet.
Our approach is practical, educational, and fun. We work with all kinds of camps, from summer sleep-away camps to year-round day camps, RV parks, campgrounds, and sites, and even nature and retreat centers.
STEWARDSHIP – While empowering camps to reduce their environmental impact, we’re also doing the same in our organization and as individuals.
EMPOWERMENT – We go beyond quick-fixes to empower camps and campers to navigate their own ways toward sustainability.
COLLABORATION – We can do more together, so we collaborate whenever possible, complement rather than duplicate, and leverage collective genius.
FUN – We take an educational entertainment approach to programming.
IMPACT – We plan the impact we want to have, figure out how best to achieve it, collect information, evaluate work, communicate findings, and apply learning.
“Ready to take action? Local action counts and now, more than ever, is the time. Camp is the perfect place to foster a love of the natural world and to develop the skills needed to take care of it.
How will your donation support Green Camps?
Green Camps was founded on principles of education that focus on 21st Century Learning Skills. Your support helps support the development of learning resources that empower youth with the critical thinking, problem-solving and collaborative skills needed to create a happy and healthy planet. Our innovative online community teaches camp professionals the knowledge and skills to deliver these engaging lessons to campers and lead green actions at their camps around the country.
Sustainability Training and Workshops
Staff engagement is often a challenge for organizations when it comes to being green. We’ll work with you to plan and implement the right program for your team. Popular topics include encouraging pro-environmental behavior change, weaving sustainability into the everyday experience, and managing facilities the green way.
Reducing our Carbon Footprint
The camp community serves more than 14 million youth and adults each year. Your support helps camps model practical and engaging examples of sustainable solutions for campers and staff. As a result, campers will return to their communities with the skills and knowledge to reduce the carbon footprint in their homes, churches, schools and other communities they belong to. Consider the far reaching impact they can have not only in their direct actions but the influence they can have on their families, peers and the careers they go into.
Outreach Events
Attending regional and national conferences has been the most effective way for Green Camps to reach 1000’s of camp professionals each year to share resources and educate them on the roles sustainability can play in the camp community. Your support helps us reach more people through education sessions, green training workshops, and speaking events.
Green Camps is 100% volunteer-led! We’ve made a lot of progress with the support of our volunteer staff, board members, partners, camps, and other supporters of our work. It is our goal to bring on full-time staff to increase the amount of time and energy committed to furthering our mission.