My biggest takeaway was the drawing of the example sign via Photoshop. I kept thinking about how using a medium like that for the contest would be engaging to kids who are stuck at home and could use a new skill to learn. I’m definitely no expert in illustration apps but watching the demonstration reminded me how accessible they can be with a little time and effort- especially when using them to complete a project like a sign!
Ryan Princer, Campfire Consulting
Part 1: Intro to the Sign Design Contest
We launched the Green Sign Design Contest to achieve the following goals
Create a fun activity to inspire creativity and advocate for our planet
Develop educational signs to support camps in modeling sustainability
Connect campers with the camps they love
This blog post is meant to serve as a resource to help you come up with ideas for signs that inspire green behavior change. Be creative and have fun
Contest Theme: Green Behavior Change – The act of choosing actions that positively impact our planet and the people on it.
Get ideas by voting for other signs in the contest that you think “inspire green behavior change”
Part 2: Green Printing
It’s important to understand the impact of our actions.
As you’ll hear in this segment, there is a big environmental impact from big industry’s like printing. What I want to highlight is the steps big industrys can take in reducing their environmental impact.
You will hear a few examples of indsutry standards and initaitives that help promote environmental sustainability as well as actions that are being taken at this print shop.
One example we forgot to mention in the video is that they are preparing to upgrade their lighting in the print shop to LED!
Part 3: Sign Design Tips and Tricks
With technology as prevalent as it is, many of us have access to tools to design amazing artwork. Like Canva, Instagram, and other photo design tools.
Learn some practical tips on sign design like good image resolution, colors and fonts as we design my idea of a sign, “Compost in a Bottle”.
You don’t have to only make your sign using technology. Luke drew the picture, then he scanned it to add more text.
Thank you to Suzanne for sharing the resources from the experiences of the Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center using signs to inspire green behavior change.
Part 4: Printing Our Sign in the Shop
We’ve designed our sign and we’re ready to move into production.
Check out the shop and see two machines create our sign!
We’ll also share some of the signs that Sir Speedy Statesville has helped design and print educational resources, business cards and pamphlets and our mailer!
One of my favorite projects Sir Speedy Statesville helped with was the pollinator friendly exhibit we presented at the 2020 National ACA Conference.
I created this sign to display when doing a project with Camp Thunderbird.Be kind to the earth and each other! This sign is about kids helping the Earth by cleaning up trash, recycling, planting, and keeping our oceans clean. And it’s always more fun when you have a buddy and do it together!This sign help our students understand the basics behind the science of compost and why it is important for the planet.This poster is 1 of 3. It helps campers and staff know what to put into the compost and what doesn’t belong. We compost all food scraps, because the pile is that big!This poster also goes near the Dining Hall, where campers and staff can learn about where their food waste is going to go. It also goes down the road near our actual compost pile. (It’s also near our sports fields, where people often are on water breaks.This is sign 3 of 3. It goes near the compost pile at camp, which is also near the sports fields and some of the beautiful flowers mentioned. It teaches campers and staff that what they do at meals matters. We all can contribute.This sign describes the different ways that humans benefit from ecosystems. Caring for people involves caring for the earth.95% of water goes down the drain. I made my sign to spread awareness about water conservation and to decrease the amount of water used to brush teeth, wash your face, wash your hands or anything else that required the use of water because every drop counts!My sign is explaining the environmental issue water pollution. If you look at the oceans now, there are pieces of trash in a lot of places. Sometimes you can’t even find some marine animals because there is so much trash that is corrupting their home. Water Pollution affects so many lives, and everyone, myself included, wants to fix that or the better.A huge environmental problem in the world right now is finding all this trash everywhere! So I want this sign to inspire people to pick it up and think about the big picture of making our Earth a prettier and cleaner place.I hope this sign will help remind people to save waterI designed this sign as part of an activity called “seed bombs”.Earth day is every day! We all have to do our part. Each thing helps.simple ways to lower the warming of our earth by reducing your carbon footprint to preserve things like ice, cooler oceans, and lower sea levels all made on a recycled bag!We should pick up more trash, like when we’re hiking along trails.There is 9 billion tons of litter dumped into the ocean each year. It is something very simple to avoid and needs to be stopped!I created this quote- “Stop the chain that makes me die and start the chain that makes me thrive.” It means that we have started an everyday routine that is bad for our Earth. This routine has now become a chain since so many people are creating harm to our Earth. So we need to start a healtier life style and create a chain that is better for our Earth. So please help out the Earth by eatting less meat, creating less waste, recycling more, using more renewable resources, composting, and more! So help save our Earth by doing these easy tasks. Create a new chain that is better for our Earth!My sign is explaining the environmental issue, water pollution. Water pollution is often not thought about as often as it should be and we should make a difference! Water pollution varies in small to large bodies of water. It affects not only the ecosystems, but also those who live in them. Think about cute seals or elegant dolphins. They’re all affected from this! I’m here to explain how we can help decrease the amount of water pollution across the globe.I wanted to remind everyone of the beauty in our Earth and that we are creatures of the Earth, just like all animals.