Green Camps Certification
Greening your camp doesn’t have to be an overwhelming process. The Green Camps Certification was created to support Green Camps Members in laying the foundation to establish a framework for what sustainability means and looks like at your camp.
The online community will guide you through the steps as well as give you access to additional resources to complete your certification. You will also be able to collaborate with other camps and Green Camps Staff to support you through the steps to complete your Green Camps Certification.
Get started today by signing up for a free Needs Assessment to conduct your green needs assessment.
Needs Assessment
Answer questions about energy, water, waste and office conservation to begin establishing a baseline and learn more about the opportunities for implementing green actions.
Documentation Requirements
- Completed needs assessment submitted through the Green Camps Community
Green Team
A team leader and team members will facilitate staff and campers through the process of “greening your camp” while creating a culture that embraces these new practices.
Documentation Requirements
- A roster of the Green Team members
- Statement of Organizational commitment to sustainability
- Notes from Green Team Meetings
Sustainability Plan
Developing a sustainability plan will help establish a set of practical goals and create tasks and a timeline to guide and measure the impact of your efforts.
Documentation Requirements
- Upload completed sustainability plan
- List of overarching goals for each category (Nature, Water, Waste, Energy, Other)
- List of sub-goals for each category.
- List of tasks/methods for each sub-goal.
- Overview of how goal outcomes will educate campers/staff.
- Estimated completion dates for all goals.
Green Actions
After completing your sustainability plan, you will create proposals for each of the actions needed to advance your sustainability goals to be implemented in the next phase of certification.
Documentation Requirements
- Green Action Proposal for each of the five categories
Share your experience and lessons learned from completing the certification process. By sharing your experiences, you will be contributing to an ever-expanding library of the challenges and successes of a great diversity of green actions being taken at camps around the country.
Documentation Requirements
- Share videos, images, write-ups and other information to highlight your sustainability efforts.