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Funding Camp Sustainability
Funding Camp Sustainability
March 1st, 2023 @ 1:00pm EST
Register here
A recent research study from Green Camps, The Motivators and Barriers to Camp Sustainability, highlighted several of the biggest barriers camps reported when it comes to “going green”. By far the most consistent is the financial restraints to fund sustainable initiatives. Thus, we’ve decided to host a webinar on “Funding Camp Sustainability”
In conjunction with this webinar, we will create a resource guide with sample grant templates, a list of foundations that fund this type of work, along with other fundraising tools to help advance your sustainability goals.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) is at the forefront of conversation in our society, and we see this webinar as an opportunity to better understand its correlation and causation to the topic of sustainability.
To help build the case to fund camp sustainability you’ll also have the option to complete a free green needs assessment. We will highlight the collected data during the webinar to reinforce the specific needs and opportunities to fund meaningful and long-lasting action to model sustainability for campers and staff.
Registration Link:
Would you like to present on a topic to help educate camps about all things sustainability?
Contact Green Camps to get involved
ACA National Conference 2024
February 6-9, 2024
New Orleans, LA
Education Session: Funding Camp Sustainability
Come visit us in the exhibit hall at booth 812!
ACCT Conference 2024
February 22-25, 2024
Oklahoma City, OK
Education Session: Inspiring Sustainability through Challenge Courses
Tri State Conference 2024
March 11-14, 2024
Atlantic City, NJ
Education Session: Coming soon
Come visit us in the exhibit hall at booth 135!
Would you like to present on a topic to help educate camps about all things sustainability?
Contact Green Camps to get involved
OCA [Re]Connects 2023: Thursday, March 30/31st 2023
Thursday, March 30/31st 2023 Living Arts Centre, Mississauga, Ontario Green Camps was invited to present two sessions, “10 Innovative Tools and Activities to Conduct a Green Needs Assessment” and “The Barriers and Motivators to Camp Sustainability”. Founder, Danny Sudman, will also participate in a panel discussion on sustainability in the camp industry. Learn more and register at
Tri-State Camp Conference 2023
March 14-16, 2023 Atlantic City Convention Center Atlantic City, NJ Session Titles: Five Steps to Model Sustainability and Inspire Green Behavior Change 10 Innovative Tools and Activities to Conduct a Green Needs Assessment Learn more and register at
Funding Camp Sustainability
Recorded: March 1st, 2023 @ 1:00pm EST
A recent research study from Green Camps, The Motivators and Barriers to Camp Sustainability, highlighted several of the biggest barriers camps reported when it comes to “going green”. By far the most consistent is the financial restraints to fund sustainable initiatives. Thus, we’ve decided to host a webinar on “Funding Camp Sustainability” In conjunction with this webinar, we will create a resource guide with sample grant templates, a list of foundations that fund this type of work, along with other fundraising tools to help advance your sustainability goals. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) is at the forefront of conversation in our society, and we see this webinar as an opportunity to better understand its correlation and causation to the topic of sustainability. To help build the case to fund camp sustainability you’ll also have the option to complete a free green needs assessment. We will highlight the collected data during the webinar to reinforce the specific needs and opportunities to fund meaningful and long-lasting action to model sustainability for campers and staff.
Follow Up Resources: Funding Camp Sustainabililty
ACA 2023 National Camp Conference
February 21-24, 2023 Rosen Centre Hotel Orlando, Florida
Session Title: 10 Innovative Tools and Activities to Conduct a Green Needs Assessment
Session Description:When it comes to “greening” your camp facility and programs it’s not always easy to know where to start. This session will provide 10 innovative approaches to evaluating and measuring opportunities to help access the environmental, educational and economic benefits of going green. From collecting and evaluating data about energy consumption to conducting a waste audit, we want to empower you to make informed decisions about what “green actions” will most benefit your camp. These activities are also perfect for engaging your campers and staff on sustainability topics and you’ll receive write ups for each activity so that you can implement them back at your camp.
Learn more and register here
ACA Mid-Atlantic Camp Conference
December 13-15, 2022 The Double Tree Hotel Williamsburg, VA
Session Title: 10 Activities to Evaluate and Measure Camp Sustainability Opportunities
Session Description:When it comes to “greening” your camp facility and programs it’s not always easy to know where to start. This session will provide 10 innovative approaches to evaluating and measuring opportunities to help access the environmental, educational and economic benefits of going green. From collecting and evaluating data about energy consumption to conducting a waste audit, we want to empower you to make informed decisions about what “green actions” will most benefit your camp. These activities are also perfect for engaging your campers and staff on sustainability topics and you’ll receive write ups for each activity so that you can implement them back at your camp.
Learn more and register here
The Barriers and Motivators to Camp Sustainability
Recorded: February, 24th 2022 Dr. Lincoln Larson (NC State) will present the findings from the Spring 2021 national research survey on the barriers and motivators to camp sustainability. This research highlights the opportunities that the camp community has to model sustainability and inspire green behavior change in campers and staff. Join us to learn more about the power of green educational signage at your camp and how to engage your campers and staff to participate in your green efforts. See a recording of the webinar at
Sophia Kianni – Becoming a Sustainable Camp @ 2021 Northeast CAMP Conference
Recorded: March, 10th 2021 11:00am EST Green Camps was excited to bring Sophia Kianni into our presentation at the 2021 Northeast Camp Conference to highlight the youth voice that is shaping the sustainability movement. Sophia Kianni is an Iranian-American environmentalist studying climate science and public policy at Stanford University. She is the founder and executive director of Climate Cardinals, an international nonprofit with 8,000 volunteers in 40+ countries working to translate climate information into over 100 languages. She represents the U.S as the youngest member of the inaugural United Nations Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change. Learn more about Sophia at
Join the Conversation
Recorded: March, 26th 2020 Our first zoom conference call was an open forum discussion about the sustainable camps movement. Lots of great topics came up and will help guide the efforts of Green Camps to support the camp community in modeling sustainability to inspire green behavior change in the millions of youth and adults impacted by the came experience each you.
Let’s Make Signs
Recorded: April, 16th 2020
Signage is one of the most powerful education tools and easiest green initiative to implement. Take a tour of the print shop of our sponsor, Sir Speedy Statesville to learn how professional signs are made. The second part of the webinar will be a working session to design signs that can be displayed to inspire green behavior change.
View the Interactive Blog from “Let’s Make Signs”
The Sign Contest!
Would you like to present on a topic to help educate camps about all things sustainability?
Contact Green Camps to get involved
Camp Education Program Ideas
Coming Soon…
Summer is upon us and you asked for some quick and easy actionable program ideas to implement in your education programs. We will share program ideas along with write-ups of the activities so that you can easily implement them into your program. Have some program ideas you want to share? We’d love to invite you to present them and share any documentation.
Camp Education Program Ideas
Coming Soon…
Summer is upon us and you asked for some quick and easy actionable program ideas to implement in your education programs. We will share program ideas along with write-ups of the activities so that you can easily implement them into your program. Have some program ideas you want to share? We’d love to invite you to present them and share any documentation.
Off Season Gardening
Coming Soon…
Summer is over, but you have a garden…What should you do? Hear from a master gardener to learn some practical solutions to maintain your garden over the off season.
Intro to Beekeeping
Coming Soon…
Have you ever considered starting a beehive? Join master beekeeper Anna Maria Desipris for an introduction to beekeeping. Anna Maria successfully brought two beehives to Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center to help with the pollination of their citrus grove and educate guests about the importance of pollinators
Green Team Case Studies
Coming Soon…
Hear from the successes and challenges of camps who had Green Teams over the summer. Whether you’re thinking about starting a Green Team or want to expand your current Green Team, you will learn some ideas on how to build buy-in and support for sustainability.
Funding Solar Projects
Coming Soon…
So you want to install some solar panels? John Onderdonk, Chief Sustainability Officer at Cal Tech, will talk about your options. PPA or Lease? We also invite camps who have implemented solar systems to share their experiences of the process and outcomes of this initiative.
DIY Cleaning
Coming Soon…
There are a lot of toxins and chemicals all around us, especially in our cleaning supplies. You may not be ready to fully transition into “green” cleaners, but we want to share some ideas on how to start making that transition. You will learn about the environmental and health impacts of traditional chemical cleaners and some simple green cleaning recipes to start making your own green cleaners.
Waste Reduction
Coming Soon…
What is your waste stream? Join us to learn how to measure and assess your current waste stream along with solutions to reduce the amount of waste your facility is bringing in and sending to the landfill