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Funding Camp


The conversation around sustainability is becoming increasingly important in today’s world, and the camping industry is no exception. With more and more people seeking eco-friendly and sustainable experiences, it’s critical for camps to implement sustainable practices to ensure a better future for the planet. To delve deeper into this topic, we recently hosted a webinar with two renowned guest speakers: David Phillip ( from Immersive 1st and Leesa Carter-Jones ( from Captain Planet Foundation. In this webinar, we explored different strategies and resources for funding camp sustainability initiatives. Today, we want to share some of the highlights from this informative and insightful discussion, including some of the key takeaways that we hope will inspire you to take action towards creating a more sustainable future for your camp.

Call to Action

Webinar Recording: March 1st, 2023

Notes From David Phillips

David Phillips is a native of the UK and Principal of Immersive1st Consulting, a firm that assists organizations with fundraising, planning and analysis, capital projects, governance, public relations, program creation & implementation, lay/pro coaching, and acute challenges.

Over his career, David has helped raise more than $140 million. As a consultant, he works with a variety of camps, retreat centers, community agencies, centers of worship and schools, etc. His passion is to do important things with good people that make a difference.

He is a strong advocate for kindness and positive communal culture and has been instrumental in a series of initiatives around this and other priority issues.

Contact David at and visit his website at

Understand where the money is. 

“Boards are under the impression money is coming from corporations.  Educate them that money should be coming from them and their peers.”  -David Phillips

GivingUSA2022_Infographic (1)

Strong Board and Weak Board

  • Boards should make a significant contribution (Give and Get) 
    • “Significant” to them
  • Board Connections to help raise funds…who can they introduce to your cause?


  • Two ways to raise a $1000 dollars
    • 1000 people @ $1
    • 1 person @ $1000
  • Balance that thinking with going for both (small and large gifts) – community support/action is also so helpful
  • Keep your data up to date
    • “while I have you on the phone can I check that we have your correct contact information” vs “I’m calling to update your contact information”
  • Ask for small gifts from people who can afford small gifts and explain to them the power of the gift.  
    • They might grow to larger donors down the road.

Notes From Leesa Carter-Jones

Since joining Captain Planet Foundation (CPF) in 2012, Leesa Carter-Jones has spearheaded the launch of programs that have helped global youth catalyze their empathy and run effective campaigns against environmental crises. This includes the Planeteer Alliance, CPF’s just-launched and largest program to date that expands on five years of training a global coalition of youth activists. She has 25+ years of executive-level experience in sustainability and is a recognized, respected speaker in the fields of leadership, environmental stewardship, and youth education programs.

Contact Leesa at and learn more about Captain Planet Foundation at

Engaging Youth

  • “Don’t underestimate youth voice” 
  • Extremely powerful once they understand how to unlock systems and ask for change
  • Let campers help create the plan
  • Camper Green Teams
  • Share advice for how to do this…start with adults setting up some parameters

Thoughts on Funding Green Camp Action

  • Captain Planet Foundation offers Small grants for the implementation of projects (project hero)
  • Individuals- Donor-advised funds
    • Investment firms and community foundations
    • Program officer looks for recipients of donor-advised funds
  • Cooperative Grant Ask Corporations like Subaru/Patagonia the folks who want to talk to these camps whose kids
  • EPA from federal funds that have gone out…
    • Multiyear grants 75k to 500k and looking at collaborative grants
    • 2.8 billion..some non-competitive
    • Focus on Implementation and operational shift

Captain Planet Foundation Free Programs

Planeteer Alliance

Hero for the Planet (

Questions from the Webinar

Q: Are you connecting info from Canadian camps as well?  

A: Yes, Green Camps will be presenting at the Ontario Camps Association (OCA) annual conference on March 30/31st, 2023.

Q: What kind of actions can we take/uplift that doesn’t require any funding at all? Direct action please ✊

A: Work with your staff to give them simple tools to model green behavior change for their campers.  Check out this article for some ideas. (

Q: I work for a Faith based camp that hasn’t connected their social justice focus as a sustainable goal. What kind of data should I look at to begin convincing them of the need to join the sustainability movement? Did anyone experience this?

A: There are many organizations with a lot of information about intersectional environmentalism, look at intersectional environmentalism, outdoor oath, and justice outside as places to start!

Q: Is there a framework of wording for the sustainability language for fundraising and grants that we can tweak to our own?

A: Green Camps has a lot of languages that we’ve used for grant applications and donor appeals that we’d be happy to share.  You might also check out an AI generator.

Q: How do we access funding sources from the inflation reduction act?

A: 2.8 billion dollars is being dispersed through regional offices of the EPA.

Sample Grant Templates

Project Title: Green Certification Program for a Youth Summer Camp

Executive Summary:

This grant proposal seeks funding for a youth summer camp to join Green Camps, a leading organization in the green camp movement. The primary objective of this project is to complete the camp industry’s first green certification program and build a framework for sustainability. The project will include conducting a needs assessment, forming a green team, and developing a sustainability plan. The green certification program will provide the camp with guidance and resources to adopt sustainable practices and reduce its environmental impact. By implementing the sustainability plan, the camp will become a leader in promoting sustainable practices and inspire its campers and staff to take action towards a greener future.


The youth summer camp currently operates without a comprehensive sustainability plan, and while they have taken steps towards reducing their environmental impact, they are looking to take a more proactive approach towards sustainability. By joining Green Camps and completing their green certification program, the camp will have access to expert guidance and resources to build a framework for sustainability. This project will enable the camp to reduce its environmental impact, promote sustainable practices, and inspire its campers and staff to take action towards a more sustainable future.

Project Objectives:

The primary objectives of this project are as follows:

  1. Join Green Camps and complete their green certification program.
  2. Conduct a needs assessment to identify areas for improvement and set sustainability goals.
  3. Form a green team to lead the sustainability efforts at the camp.
  4. Develop a sustainability plan with specific actions and timelines.

Project Activities:

The following activities will be undertaken to achieve the project objectives:

  1. Research and identify Green Camps as a leading organization in the green camp movement.
  2. Join Green Camps and complete their green certification program.
  3. Conduct a needs assessment to identify areas for improvement and set sustainability goals.
  4. Form a green team of staff and campers to lead the sustainability efforts at the camp.
  5. Develop a sustainability plan with specific actions and timelines, such as reducing water and energy usage, reducing waste, and increasing sustainability education and outreach.

Expected Outcomes:

The following outcomes are expected to be achieved as a result of this project:

  1. The camp will become a leader in promoting sustainable practices in the camp industry.
  2. The camp’s environmental impact will be reduced through the implementation of sustainable practices.
  3. The campers and staff will be educated on sustainable practices and inspired to take action towards a greener future.
  4. The camp will have a framework for sustainability that will guide their future operations and inspire other camps to take action towards sustainability.


The following budget is estimated for joining Green Camps, completing their green certification program, and developing a sustainability plan:

  • Green Camps membership fee: $1,000

Total: $1,000


Joining Green Camps and completing their green certification program is an important step towards building a sustainable future for the youth summer camp. By conducting a needs assessment, forming a green team, and developing a sustainability plan, the camp will have a framework for sustainability that will guide their future operations and inspire their campers and staff to take action towards a greener future. We believe that this project aligns with the priorities of our organization and the community we serve. We appreciate your consideration of this grant proposal and look forward to the opportunity to implement this important project.

Project Title: Solar PV System and Sustainable Energy Education at a Youth Summer Camp

Executive Summary:

This grant proposal seeks funding for the installation of a solar PV system and the development of an educational program at a youth summer camp. The primary objective of this project is to reduce the camp’s reliance on non-renewable energy sources and promote sustainable energy practices through the use of solar power. Additionally, this project aims to educate campers and staff about the benefits of renewable energy and its impact on the environment. The project will start by calculating current energy consumption to implement solutions to reduce overall energy consumption before installing a solar system that will offset all non-renewable energy requirements.


The campsite currently relies on non-renewable energy sources to power its facilities and activities, which contributes to carbon emissions and increases the cost of energy bills. By installing a solar PV system, the camp can offset its non-renewable energy requirements, reduce its carbon footprint, and save money in the long term. Additionally, the development of an educational program will help campers and staff understand the benefits of renewable energy and the importance of sustainable practices.

Project Objectives:

The primary objectives of this project are as follows:

  1. Calculate the camp’s current energy consumption and identify areas for energy reduction.
  2. Install a solar PV system to offset the camp’s non-renewable energy requirements.
  3. Develop and implement an educational program to educate campers and staff about sustainable energy practices and the benefits of renewable energy.

Project Activities:

The following activities will be undertaken to achieve the project objectives:

  1. Conduct an energy audit of the campsite to calculate current energy consumption and identify areas for energy reduction.
  2. Implement solutions to reduce overall energy consumption, such as the installation of energy-efficient lighting, HVAC systems, and appliances.
  3. Install a solar PV system that will offset the camp’s non-renewable energy requirements.
  4. Develop educational materials and activities to promote sustainable energy practices and the benefits of renewable energy.
  5. Install a robust education station that leverages the solar system to educate campers and staff about renewable energy and sustainability.

Expected Outcomes:

The following outcomes are expected to be achieved as a result of this project:

  1. The camp’s reliance on non-renewable energy sources will be reduced, resulting in a decrease in carbon emissions and energy costs.
  2. The implementation of energy-saving measures will reduce overall energy consumption and further reduce energy costs.
  3. The development of an educational program will increase awareness and understanding of sustainable energy practices among campers and staff.
  4. The education station will provide an engaging and interactive learning experience that demonstrates the benefits of renewable energy and encourages sustainability.


The following budget is estimated for the installation of a solar PV system and the development of an educational program:

  • Energy audit and solutions implementation: $5,000
  • Solar PV system installation: $25,000
  • Educational materials development: $2,500
  • Education station installation: $5,000

Total: $37,500


The installation of a solar PV system and the development of an educational program at the youth summer camp will have significant benefits for the environment and the camp’s operations. By reducing the camp’s reliance on non-renewable energy sources and promoting sustainable practices, this project will provide long-term savings and help build a more sustainable future. We believe that this project aligns with the priorities of our organization and the community we serve. We appreciate your consideration of this grant proposal and look forward to the opportunity to implement this important project.

Project Title: Establishing a Composting System at a Youth Summer Camp

Executive Summary:

This grant proposal seeks funding for the implementation of a composting system at a youth summer camp. The primary objective of this project is to reduce the amount of organic waste generated at the campsite and turn it into a valuable resource through composting. Additionally, this project aims to educate campers and staff about the benefits of composting and its impact on the environment. The implementation of a composting system will not only help reduce the camp’s environmental impact but also save money on waste disposal fees.


The campsite currently generates a significant amount of organic waste from food scraps, yard waste, and other organic materials. This waste is currently disposed of in a landfill, which not only increases waste disposal costs but also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Composting is an effective way to manage organic waste, reduce waste stream, and create a valuable resource that can be used to enrich the soil and enhance plant growth.

Project Objectives:

The primary objectives of this project are as follows:

  1. Establish a composting system at the campsite to manage organic waste generated by campers and staff.
  2. Educate campers and staff about the benefits of composting, waste reduction, and sustainable practices.
  3. Reduce waste disposal fees by diverting organic waste from the landfill and turning it into a valuable resource.

Project Activities:

The following activities will be undertaken to achieve the project objectives:

  1. Purchase and install a composting system that is appropriate for the campsite’s needs, such as a tumbling composter, worm bin, or aerated static pile composting system.
  2. Develop and implement a composting program that includes the collection of food scraps, yard waste, and other organic materials.
  3. Provide training and educational materials to campers and staff to encourage participation in the composting program.
  4. Monitor and maintain the composting system to ensure proper operation and optimal composting conditions.
  5. Use the finished compost to enrich the soil in the campsite’s garden and landscaping areas.

Expected Outcomes:

The following outcomes are expected to be achieved as a result of this project:

  1. The amount of organic waste generated at the campsite will be reduced, resulting in a decrease in waste disposal fees and greenhouse gas emissions.
  2. The establishment of a composting program will educate campers and staff about sustainable practices and waste reduction.
  3. The finished compost will be used to enrich the soil, resulting in healthier plants and a more vibrant landscape.


The following budget is estimated for the implementation of the composting system:

  • Composting system purchase and installation: $3,500
  • Educational materials development: $500
  • Composting program implementation and monitoring: $1,000
  • Garden and landscaping improvement with compost: $500

Total: $5,500


The implementation of a composting system at the youth summer camp will have numerous benefits, including reducing waste stream, saving money on waste disposal fees, and providing an opportunity for campers and staff to learn about sustainable practices. We believe that this project aligns with the priorities of our organization and the community we serve. We appreciate your consideration of this grant proposal and look forward to the opportunity to implement this important project.

We estimate that the cost of implementing these initiatives will be approximately [$amount]. This includes the cost of solar panels, reusable water bottles, composting equipment, and other necessary materials.

With your support, we can make significant progress towards becoming a more sustainable summer camp. Our ultimate goal is to provide an example of how individuals and organizations can make a positive impact on the environment, leading to a more sustainable future.

Thank you for considering our application.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Organization Name]

Get Involved

If you are interested in volunteering your time, you can reach out to Green Camps and inquire about their current volunteer opportunities. We are always looking for assistance with various tasks such as communications, outreach education, and social media management.

If you have specific skills or knowledge that you think could be valuable to Green Camps, you may want to consider joining our advisory board. Contact Green Camps to express your interest and ask about their advisory board application process.

Lastly, you can support Green Camps by spreading the word about their mission and sharing their work with your networks. Follow their social media accounts, attend their events, and share their content with your friends and family to help raise awareness about sustainable camps and the work that Green Camps is doing.

Remember that every contribution, no matter how small, can make a difference in helping Green Camps achieve their mission of creating sustainable camps and empowering future generations to become environmental leaders.