Empower yourself. Inspire campers. Lead on environmental sustainability.

Every child deserves a healthy natural environment – to play, to learn, to camp. Without the wonders of the outdoors the camping experience wouldn’t be what it is today. Let’s work together to preserve that wonder for generations to come!

Join our community of green camps and lead in the nationwide eco movement:

  • Demonstrate your commitment to your campers and environmental sustainability
  • Reduce your environmental impact and save resources, including money
  • Empower your staff and inspire the next generation of eco-leaders

Upon completion of registration, you will receive an email will information to access the online community and begin your sustainability journey.

Membership Benefits

Free TrialSeed
Access to the GC Online Community1 user, only2 users, may buy more
• Access tools, materials, and resources to help you go green
• Network with like-minded individuals and organizations
• Q&A with environmental sustainability professionals, including Green Camps staff
Access Certification ResourcesLimited AccessFull Access
• Needs Assessment
• Green Team
• Sustainability Plan
• Green Action
• Share Success Stories
Access GC e-Learning
• Use forums to share ideas, discuss programs, and troubleshoot problems
• Learn from case studies of what others' are doing
Member news, including upcoming events, grant opportunities, and more
1-hour eco-strategy session with Green Camps, by phone
Use of Green Camps Member Logo shown above
Listing with logo on Green Camps website
Promotional opportunities to showcase what you're doing
Free TrialSeedPlantFlower
Access to the GC Online Community1 user, only2 users, may buy more4 users, may buy more6 users, may buy more
• Access tools, materials, and resources to help you go green
• Network with like-minded individuals and organizations
• Q&A with environmental sustainability professionals, including Green Camps staff
Access GC e-Learning
• Use forums to share ideas, discuss programs, and troubleshoot problems
• Learn from case studies of what others' are doing
Member news, including upcoming events, grant opportunities, and more
1-hour eco-strategy session with Green Camps, by phone
Discount on Green Camps Services 5% 10%15%
Use of Green Camps Member Logo shown above shown above shown above
Listing with logo on Green Camps website
Promotional opportunities to showcase what you're doing
Green Camps will facilitate Green Team Meeting ($500 value)

Join the Movement

As we move out of the pandemic camps are eager to reinvent themselves and find new and innovative ways to support the development of their campers and secure the future of their camps. The camp industry as a whole has a great opportunity to benefit from becoming a national model for sustainability to leverage new funding opportunities, new programs and new relationships/partnerships with their community.

Build a framework with Certification

The Green Camps Certification program was designed to answer the question Green Camps set out to answer when it was founded in 2014, by educator/trainer/facilitator Danny Sudman. Our innovative certification program guides any camp through the process of building a unique framework that will establish or build upon their sustainability efforts to create long-lasting impact.

Network with other “green camps”

Sustainability can be intimidating, especially if you are going about it alone or don’t have the direct support of your team. The community of sustainability and camp professionals that make up our membership will provide encouragement and support as you take on the challenge of discovering the opportunities around sustainability for your camp.

Still Have Questions?

We’d love to hear from you to learn how we can support your sustainability goals.